Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wimmins Work

Really what I mean is taking care of a household.
Since December I have been working on a stained glass piece. This is the first one I have ever done and just like me I didn't pick a simple pattern. The glass I chose to learn to cut is thick and textured on both sides and doesn't cut or break easily. (just like me?) I feel like it took me a long time and I got frustrated with it over and over again. Many pieces had to be re-done because the cuts were wrong or they broke. Some pieces I gave up on and let their imperfections be part of the work. Now that it is almost done I am beginning to feel a sense of accomplishment. I still have to smooth out the lines and apply zinc to the outside (which I still need to learn how to do). It occurred to me that keeping house was much like making art. It does take some skill, some creativity, some willingness to make mistakes and learn. You have to be willing to work with the mistakes and blemishes. It takes time. Yes, women's work is a lot like art. I pour myself into it and ultimately hope there will be a masterpiece.

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