Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To the Earth We Return

Today we had to do a very sad thing. Our kitten was injured and after a few weeks of praying, hoping, and watching we could see that he just wasn't getting any better. Everyone agreed it was time to let him go. There was some good in dragging it out. We were able to spend time with him, we were able to see that the way he was living was not fit for a cat and we were able to say goodbye. My son cried out in anguish and sorrow. He wants to know why. I have the same question myself and an answer is just not there. I struggle with the idea that God is in the little things. He could have saved our kitty. He could have healed him. But His answer was no. Maybe He wants us to have a reminder of the precious gift of life. Maybe He is preparing us for greater grief to come. But an answered prayer for a little boy would be a great faith booster. Is it wrong to ask for that?
We were able to stay with him to the end. Still, it wasn't any easier.
So on a beautiful spring day, with the sun shining on our backs, surrounded by flowers and chirping birds we laid our sweet little Bagheera to rest. And we miss him.

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