Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nature Study in the Ghetto, snails

Last night we went on an after dinner walk. Here in South Texas we have already entered that part of the year when the ONLY time you can take a walk outside is very early morning or late evening. But it has been raining a lot this week and it was particularly nice. My keen eyed daughter spotted the first one and found eight more. Miss A was willing to sacrifice her little bag to carry the snails while we finished our walk. Temporarily we are keeping them in an aquarium which we quickly set up with dirt, grass, sticks and potato peels. (See I knew I had a reason to keep that aquarium). I don't know what we plan to do with them other than the snail races, but I let the kids know we could eat them. They seem unconvinced. Any other ideas?
(I have 3 more good snail pics I wanted to add but can't seem to get them to upload)
(ok, scratch that - I was able to get them on one at a time. Boy is that a pain!)

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