Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Too many things to learn...

I love to learn. I really do. Right now I have a list of things I want to learn that is so long I know I will never get to do ALL of them. But the good news is that I truly believe there is more for us in heaven. In other words, God will still have tasks and missions and things for us to learn. It is not just going to be floating around in clouds and singing. Although those things will be nice to do too. So here I am trying this blogging thing again. I want to write about all of my interests that I am exploring and the things I am trying to accomplish. The last few months I have hardly worked (outside the home) at all! YEAH! And I am just starting to get the house under control. By that I mean things are cleaner, more organized and the kids and I have a good routine going. I have several projects I am eager to get started on and now that the above are reasonably tamed I feel like I can tackle other things. It is so exciting. So right now my big effort is to live as frugally as possible. I have always been frugal(even before it was cool). I was taught from an early age to value resourcefulness. So I am trying to make the most of our resources. Plus I get a real thrill out of saving money. And now I want to try to use those skills to make some money too. Here I plan to document the progress of my projects, the things I am learning, the things I am reading about and what I dream about. Maybe you will want to read it and maybe not. That is fine because this is really for me. (These are the super ugly cushions that came with the free wooden couches. I am going to sand a refinish the couches and then find some outdoor fabric to recover the cushions.)

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