Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bird Food

So I always think of good things to write about when I am away from the computer. Then when I get in front of the computer it's like I have temporary amnesia. I cannot think of a darn thing to write. But it has been a little while since I wrote and I need to keep up with it. I have been working on some projects and I plan to post them on here. So be patient.
Our grapes this year are bigger and tastier than last year. They are still small by grape standards but we are pleased that they have increased in size. They are also much sweeter. Last year they were just a wee bit tart (insert pucker lips here). We still have to buy our grapes at the store but I am happy to say that the birds have found our grapes and are eating them up! Cheapest bird food ever. Also my son made a really cool bird house at church camp and we found the perfect place to put it up. It is partially hidden by some bushes which are right outside of a bedroom window. Hopefully the birds will feel it's a good place for a home and we will be able to watch them from the window. Our cat is no longer an issue since she decided to get hit by a car and break her leg. She is now a gimpy kitty and we don't let her out. The birds, lizards and snakes in our yard all breathed a sigh of relief. Actually we think the birds were the ones driving the car! Anyway,I plan to make some bird feeders out of old coke bottles and a bird bath out of some terracotta pots. I am going to have to figure out how to have a nice landscape for the birds without giving them a free for all in our garden. That will require some research.......

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