Saturday, May 30, 2009

Things that tick me off or I feel prickly

Ok, so if I am really honest here there are actually a lot of things that can really get me upset. Sometimes I don't know why I let it bother me so much. But really, I just don't understand why some people can't just be a little more considerate and pay attention to their own actions. Like this morning I was behind a car waiting to turn left. He chucked an almost full can of coke out the window. It spilled and rolled around on the street. I mean please, can you not just hold onto it until you can throw it away the right way? It's such a small thing is it really too much to ask for? I felt like gunning my engines and ramming the back of his car (which had taped on taillights anyway). But that wouldn't be nice. Then later today an ambulance was approaching from the opposite direction and I immediately pulled over to the side of the road. Some jerk behind me just kept on driving as if nothing was happening. It seems to me that if people can't even be nice, considerate and civil to each other in even the smallest of ways then how can we expect big things to matter. Like being a responsible parent. Yesterday I worked and there was a girl who had a baby and she was trying to decide if she should give him up for adoption or not. The father was apparently being a very uncooperative jerk (surprise, surprise). She already had a toddler at home and she couldn't imagine how she was going to do it alone with two of them. But she really loved her baby and didn't want to let go of him. It was so sad. I can really understand her turmoil because I went through a very similar situation. The thought of handing my baby over to another woman and him calling her "mommy" was too much for me. It is certainly an agonizing decision. So if people could just throw their own trash away and pull over to let an ambulance pass would it be any better? Would all the babies have loving responsible parents?

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