Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well, I guess I am not that good at blogging either. I think of lots of things to say while I am in the shower, driving, at work or otherwise unable to get to a keyboard. Then when I get to sit down everything goes blank. Like there's nothing there. Hello? Anybody home? Ha! Just as I typed that the JW's are knocking on the door and my kids are yelling loudly "Someone's knocking on the door!" Wow, I need to teach them how to be subtle. Add that to the looong list of things I need to teach them. But today if I can just get the kitchen and living room clean I will be happy. Well that's not true but I will be happier.I think Miss A took this pic. She is always stealing the camera away from me. And when I can't find it she somehow always knows where it is!

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