Wednesday, June 9, 2010

True Beauty

So for almost a year now I have been using mostly only homemade all natural skin and hair care products. Recently I have started researching the uses of essential oils in my home and beauty products. Someone brought up the story of Esther. She spent a year going through beauty regimes BEFORE she was brought before the king. A YEAR! I have no doubt that she was beautiful to begin with but when I think about a whole year of beauty routines it makes me wonder what they were up to. In my mind I picture women lounging around in pools filled with flowers while incense burned and eunuchs rubbed concoctions on them. Man, must have been rough. And I want to know what did they use???
And then last Friday I wondered if work or chores were part of her beauty routine. Do you think the king of Persia took Esther hands in his and said "Ahhhh, my beauty. I see you have been mopping floors on your hands and knees. I choose you."
Any guesses as to what I was doing last Friday? ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ghetto Kitty

Well, well, well. Yesterday my hubby came in from outside with the news that the cardinal babies are no longer in the nest - most likely victims of feline famine. He pointed out however that her endeavor was most likely aided by the strategic placement of a ladder right near the nest. It went something like this:
Mom - "You left the ladder out?"
Jman - "Well, you didn't say I should put it away."
Mom - "Ok. Well let's cover some other things too. You shouldn't put knives up your nose, you shouldn't lay down in the middle of the street with a blankie and a book, and you shouldn't leave a ladder next to a nest full of baby birds."
Jman - "ok"
My husband remarked that Charlie is probably telling all her neighborhood kitty friends what great owners she has. "See, I broke my leg last year but my owners love me so much they left a ladder out so I could still get my cardinal treats!"
It's a possibility that the discovery of the nest prompted them to move the babies but I highly doubt it. I am worried that they won't come back. It's so nice to look out the kitchen window and watch them while I do the dishes.